Home > Options Dialog > Labels Tab > Notes


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You can surround many labels on the Common and More tabs and all labels on the Facts A-M and Facts N-Z tabs with HTML syntax. This allows you to further customize how they appear. For example if you want the title for the additional information section to appear in an italic font, change the label for "Additional Information" to

<i>Additional Information</i>

You can also use an image file. Suppose you created a GIF file named addinfo.gif as a title for the additional information section. You could then specify the label as

<img src="images/addinfo.gif" alt="Additional Information">

GED-GEN uses the lengths of the following labels to determine column alignment. You should not specify HTML elements for them. The elements would occupy character positions that are not necessarily displayed and therefore interfere with column alignment. This also applies to other facts you choose to display within the family page rather than at the end of the family page.

  • Husband
  • Wife
  • Name
  • Born
  • Married
  • Died
  • Father
  • Mother
  • Spouses
  • M (male)
  • F (female)

The "M (male)" and "F (female)" labels are handled differently. If an ampersand (&) or left angle bracket (<) character appears in the first position, it is assumed you are specifying HTML syntax that will occupy only one character position when displayed. This allows you to display, for example, a symbol for a person's gender rather than a letter or word.